Agency News

JIN launches an offer to support and deploy the AI revolution within communication departments

Published on 17/07/2023

Will some communicators and creatives be replaced by AI? There is no doubt that the AI revolution will have its winners: those who learn how to master and exploit it.

To support them and help them unleash the potential of these tools and reap the benefits in their day-to-day work, the agency is launching its AI by JIN offer, aimed at communicators in major groups, with two main missions:
· Training communicators: discovery training, presentation of possible fields of application, practical workshops.
The agency provides training and practical modules enabling communicators to grasp the workings, mechanisms and opportunities offered by AI.
· Implementing tools and processes in communications departments (ChatGPT, Mid Journey, Canva Magic Design, Adobe Firefly, etc.): image bank, creation of videos, visuals and sounds, copywriting, document production, etc.
The agency designs and deploys tailor-made operational solutions that can be used on a daily basis by its customers to save time when producing their creative content.

JIN also offers its clients the establishment of an Ethical Charter to set out the guidelines for AI within their organisation, as well as an AI Observatory to continuously measure changes in usage and results. A long-term vision enabling communicators to understand which practices to support or encourage in order to maximise the potential of AI.

Ultimately, the agency's ambition is to develop an AI personalised to the image of each of its customers ("Brand Voice AI") within their secure IT.

Since the start of the year, more than 650 professionals have already been trained in AI issues by JIN, mainly clients but also at conferences run by the agency's experts, for example at Vivatech 2023, where a deep fake of Elon Musk was presented.

The AI by JIN offering is led by a team of three directors:
· Alexandre Villeneuve, Co-founder
· Eliott Maidenberg, Director of Strategy
· Frédéric Diaz, Lab Director

A natural choice for an agency built around new technologies.

JIN has had strong tech expertise since it was founded, with the development of its own monitoring tool, and more recently with the arrival of Opinion Act, a firm specialising in monitoring and research, which is developing a layer on top of the market's monitoring tools for more detailed analysis.

JIN is also a pioneer in the field of AI, with the launch 3 years ago of Pitchboy, a video pitch simulator based on language processing AI, a tool already used by major brands such as La Poste, Orange, Krys and Franprix. Today, the start-up has integrated deep faking AI to speed up the production of video content. Pitchboy recently won the Pitch Contest "AI generative" prize at Vivatech and the "CB commerce & marketing augmenté" 2023 prize.

Édouard Fillias, CEO of the JIN Group, comments: "With this offering, some customers are asking us whether we're shooting ourselves in the foot. We are obviously aware that certain services will be brought in-house with the arrival of generative AI. And it's precisely because we're a consultancy agency that our mission is to help our customers communicate better. With AI, with less effort, they will be able to deploy their strategies and content more precisely. This is going to reshuffle the cards, and we're convinced that there are better ones to play if we want to be on the right side of this revolution."

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