Agency News

JIN x Opinion Act

Published on 18/10/2022

In 2022, Opinion Act joined the JIN group to form the first European player in digital influence consulting, specialized in community activation. Why this merger in October 2022?

JIN and Opinion Act, two historical actors of digital strategy and communication

Founded in 2004, Opinion Act is a digital consulting firm, pioneer in e-reputation monitoring and the study of citizen-consumer online behavior. Opinion Act's data-driven approach reinforces the digital influence and public relations activations that we have been thinking about at JIN for the past 10 years for our clients.

We believe that bringing together insight experts and activation specialists around an integrated offering is a deep market expectation.

A group of enthusiasts with a shared vision

The joint project JIN x Opinion Act is first and foremost the meeting of entrepreneurs and Internet enthusiasts Caroline Faillet, co-founder and CEO of Opinion Act, Frédéric Diaz, co-founder of Opinion Act, Edouard Fillias, co-founder and CEO of JIN and Alexandre Villeneuve, co-founder of JIN.

We have observed that trust is being broken in the digital world, in a climate of generalized mistrust. With this merger, we decided to combine our strengths and assets to forge a common group with the mission of restoring trust between our customers and digital communities. And even more, to reveal the power of these communities and their ability to project a positive influence in the world.

In the service of this positive influence, we want to help brands and leaders reveal the power of communities. To do this, they must take the time to understand them, to talk to them sincerely and, why not, to co-construct with them the products and services of tomorrow. It is also on their behalf that we want to explore the new horizons that are emerging, such as web3, convinced that the Internet will eventually bring us together again.

Data & Insights and Digital Strategy: new joint offers

From this vision come two new offers managed together. The first one, Data & Insights, is based on Opinion Act's expertise in data to extract relevant insights to improve your brand's digital reputation and understand your communities' behaviors. The second, translates your audience knowledge into an optimized digital experience and explores the new business opportunities offered by the web3 and the metaverse.

Opinion Act's data-driven approach also complements JIN's expertise in corporate communications, digital marketing and public relations.

To go further

To dive into our universe, we recommend you to read :
- Le Cluetrain Manifesto, Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, and David Weinberger
- Le Neuromancien, William Gibson
- Smart Mobs : the next social Revolution, Howard Rheingold
- Talent makes Capital Dance, Jonas Ridderstrale
- Administrative Behavior, Herbert Simon
- 1984, George Orwell

And also, immodestly:
- L’Art de la Guerre Digitale, Caroline Faillet
- Le Web3, la nouvelle guerre Digitale, Caroline Faillet
- Le Manuel de Survie sur Internet, Edouard Fillias, Alexandre Villeneuve
- E-Réputation, Stratégie d’Influence sur Internet, Edouard Fillias, Alexandre Villeneuve

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